
Spiroscout Inhaler Tracker

At the center of Asthmapolis is the Spiroscout, a device that uses GPS to determine the time and location when an inhaler is used, and then stores or sends that information to a remote server.

It’s small and lightweight, easy to mount securely on the end of most inhalers, and simple to transfer to a new canister. Lights on the device let you know when it has detected use, and also show remaining battery level.

The Spiroscout lasts 2+ days between charges depending on how often its used, and recharges quickly anywhere with a wall charger or USB power source. You connect it to USB port on PC to download information from device and transfer to the Asthmapolis website.

Asthmapolis mobile diary and website

With the Asthmapolis mobile diary, you can map and track asthma symptoms, triggers, and your use of rescue and controller medications, and other important events from any phone with a web browser. You can choose to receive text message reminders when you forget to use controller medication, and review streamlined versions of your asthma map and charts on the phone.

The Asthmapolis website uses maps, charts and tables to summarize and reveal your patterns of use and trends over time, and to help you identify locations that cause asthma to worsen. You can also add and edit information about your asthma, and explore asthma in your community and around you.

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