Terms of Submission

The inclusion of an app, mashup, or data visualization in the Apps Expo does not constitute an endorsement of that app by Health 2.0, the federal government, or HealthData.gov; nor does it constitute a judgment by Health 2.0, the government, or HealthData.gov that every aspect of the application is valid and accurate. Apps displayed may include apps developed by government agencies, private sector companies, nonprofits, or academia. The criteria for inclusion in the Apps Expo are:

  • Be a credible effort to utilize data to generate benefit for consumers, patients, health care providers, employers, civic leaders, communities, and other key audiences
  • Not be fraudulent or blatantly misleading
  • Not be a marketing application whose specific purpose is to channel a user to purchase a targeted product/service
  • May include the use data from a dataset provided on HealthData.gov, through a datasite listed on HealthData.gov, or self-generated (crowdsourced) data
  • Identify the dataset(s) used in its creation

In addition, each application listed in the Expo must also:

  • Be or be described on a website that is maintained and accessible
  • Be or be described on a web site that provides information about the organization or individual providing the capability
  • Be or be described on a website that provides information about an intended use of the capability

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