SportTracks is a web app that allows users to import their workouts manually or thourgh GPS, and shows their GPS routes on maps. It presents the users’ pace, elevation and heart rate through graphs, and monitors workout trends over time.
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Mashery API Network
Mashery provides a scalable and secure on-demand infrastructure for your API to enable you to deliver your data, content or products to multiple devices.
Strands is an online fitness community, where users can import their execising stats. For users that do not have the equipment to record their stats, they have also developed a phone app that can be used for both indoor and outdoor workouts.
Strava has developed a phone app that records the users’ outdoor workout through GPS. Once the exercise session is done, the route is recorded on Strava’s website. Through the online community it is possibe to compete with friends or other members, and also against oneself.
SugarStats is a web app where users can log their sugar levels and monitor their progress through graphs. The app also lets them track and manage their medication, foods and activity. Finally, the web app lets the users share their stats with family, friends, and physicians, meet other diabetics within the community and participate in discussions.
Symptom Journal
Symptom Journal is a web app that aims at improving the users health by having them record their symptoms. It provides information on how to reduce symptoms and provides feedback reports for users and their physicians.
The Carrot
The Carrot is an iPhone app that keeps track of the users fitness and health related goals. The goals might range from anything from quitting smoking, starting exercising, their pregnancy, tracking medication, and anything in between. The user selects the tracks it wishes to improve, and keeps a journal for each of them.
Tonic is an iPhone app that lets users set their own agenda in terms of their personal health practices. Rather than prescribing agendas for the patients, these are personal and can be adjusted to advice from doctors, family and friends. Tonic can help users remember, track and organize several activities within various areas, such as medication, biometrics, therapies, diet, and so on.
Track & Share
By considering how an aspect of ones life affects another, the Track and Share iPhone app makes it possible for the users to increase their happiness by either reducing or increasing the amount/intensity of certain aspects they see have an effect on an area of their life. By continuously recording how their mood is affected by different activities in their daily lives, the users receive graphs that illustrate how their mood correlates with different aspects in the long run.
Track Your Happiness
Track Your Happiness is a research project aimed at gaining a scientific understanding of happiness. Users sign up online by answering a few questions, for statistical purposes. They will then regularly receive questions about how they feel and what they are doing on their iPhone. Finally, they will receive a report that gives a detail feedback on what makes them happy in terms of what they are doing, who they are with, what time of day, and so on.