Proactive Sleep is an application for mobile device that records the user’s sleeping pattern and habits, and analyzes how these two factors relate to one another. Tracking the user’s sleeping patterns is made possible by integrating an alarm clock into the app, and the person’s habits are recorded by using a built-in scorecard. Finally, the app provides information on how to improve the user’s sleep, as well as different sounds to promote better sleep.
Monthly Archives: June 2011
Mapping Health
Mapping Health provides multiple interactive visualizations including Mapping Maternity Care, which presents publicly available data regarding maternity care to bring awareness to the issue.
The visualization featuring Local Children’s Health in California is a web-based information tool that allows users to explore different health indicators by state, county and race/ethnicity, with the goal of revealing racial disparities and areas of improvement. The site consists of four informational sections: state level data, state demographics, county level concerns and race/ethnicity and location.
The World Bank Data Catalog
The World Bank’s Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables and reports. Each of the listings includes a description of the data set and a direct link to that set. Where possible, the databases are linked directly to a selection screen to allow users to select the countries, indicators, and years they would like to search. Those search results can be exported in different formats.
Rise Health
Rise Health is a healthcare services company, founded on a bold, transformative vision of health care that is team-based and value driven. We provide primary care solutions to help physician practices and other health care organizations survive and thrive in the changing environment which is transforming away from fee for service to more accountable delivery models. We focus on fundamental change in primary care delivery, the keystone of an efficient and effective healthcare system.
Imagine patients around the world coming together to share quantitative information on over 500 medical conditions. They talk about sensitive symptoms and compare which treatments work best for them. They track their health. New research discoveries are made based on the patient-contributed data. This is happening at CureTogether, and we believe it can have a massive global impact. Find the Right Health Care Provider
Vitals uses federal, state, provider-supplied, patient-supplied and private data to help web users make intelligent decisions about finding the health care provider that is right for them. Vitals gathers the data, normalizes it, benchmarks it, applies quality metrics and presents it to web users as an aid in deciding which health provider to choose.
Community Analyst is a cloud-based application that provides seamless access to detailed data about communities, including socio-demographics (Census), lifestyle segmentation (Esri), business data (Esri) and health status indicators such as access to care, use of preventive health services, and premature death risk factors (DHHS). These data about community demographics, health behaviors and outcomes can be quickly analyzed, visualized, and shared as stunning smart maps! Community Analyst provides neighborhood-level views, generates detailed reports and interactive color-coded maps. Integration of additional datasets from, a free data and map exchange provides access to thousands of additional data and maps providing insights about communities.
PolicyMap is an online mapping application which contains over 15,000 indicators related to housing, education, mortgage originations, jobs and more. It’s fast, efficient and captures data in visually powerful ways through custom maps, tables and reports.
PolicyMap focuses on identifying communities of greatest need and matching them with local retail centers where clinics might be established. Using Dept of Health & Human Services data on Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs), the existing Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and supermarket and retail locations data from Trade Dimensions, they will identify those communities that could most benefit from this kind of retail-based approach.
OrganizedWisdom, an expert-driven platform for health and wellness, is on a mission to close the ‘Online Health Gap’ by making it easier for people to get access to credible health information online from health professionals. OrganizedWisdom is excited to announce that using data sets recently made available as part of HHS’s Health Data Initiative, it launched two innovative new Web apps that integrate with and enhance the company’s Mobile Toolbox for doctors and Expert Health Alerts for patients. The first app makes it easy for doctors to share Health Risk Factors for any location in the US with their patients. The app presents a clickable Google map of by county and provides charts and graphs showing the distribution of health risk factors. The second app integrates MedlinePlus’s database of Health Topics to allow people to receive important health information on more than 800 important health conditions. This information has been integrated into Organized Wisdom’s free Expert Health Alert service that enables people to get automatic email updates on specific health topics that are important to them.
The HealthGrades Physician & Provider Portal
HealthGrades is the leading destination for physician selection with more than 10 million patients visiting its website every month; more traffic than all the other provider ratings sites combined. The new HealthGrades Physician Portal is a platform that helps physicians, and their practice administrators, easily verify and enhance their data with personal and humanizing content, such as the physician’s care philosophy. This information is shared on the organization’s website through each physician’s profile, in search filters, and in compare modules. High-value, deeper physician information is the first step toward helping patients find the right physician and creating a strong patient–physician relationship that drives positive patient outcomes.