OrganizedWisdom, an expert-driven platform for health and wellness, is on a mission to close the ‘Online Health Gap’ by making it easier for people to get access to credible health information online from health professionals. OrganizedWisdom is excited to announce that using data sets recently made available as part of HHS’s Health Data Initiative, it launched two innovative new Web apps that integrate with and enhance the company’s Mobile Toolbox for doctors and Expert Health Alerts for patients. The first app makes it easy for doctors to share Health Risk Factors for any location in the US with their patients. The app presents a clickable Google map of by county and provides charts and graphs showing the distribution of health risk factors. The second app integrates MedlinePlus’s database of Health Topics to allow people to receive important health information on more than 800 important health conditions. This information has been integrated into Organized Wisdom’s free Expert Health Alert service that enables people to get automatic email updates on specific health topics that are important to them.