Quick Health Data Online

The Quick Health Data Online system provides state and county level data for 11 categories, demographics, mortality, mental health, maternity health, reproductive health, violence, prevention, and disease. The information can be sorted by by gender, race and ethnicity. After the user selects variables and geographic information, a report is generated.

Keas Care Plan Authoring

The Keas REST API provides a way for developers to access, query and set user information on keas. You can query any of the user attributes, and receive the last value or a complete series for attributes. The API provides a way to add to the user medical data using its native XML schema or a CCR. In addition ODLs, messages and medications can also be set using the REST API.


iTriage is a web and mobile application that allows users to enter symptoms to search for possible causes. If the users wants to access a healthcare facility, iTriage can help them find the appropriate facility to treat their condition (hospitals, urgent care, pharmacies and physicians) and give them directions. iTriage will provide quality reports on facilities and physicians and teach the user about possible treatments they will receive.

Community Health Map – Health Landscape

HealthLandscape is an interactive web atlas that allows users to view and analyze community health data and to create maps and tables with their findings. This is a powerful tool for health professionals, policy makers, academic researchers, journalists and planners, as it allows them to analyze and present information to promote the improvement of healthcare.

County Health Rankings

An interactive website providing access to 50 state reports with rankings of each county within each state according to its health outcomes and health determinants. The County Health Rankings are a key component of the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH) project. MATCH is a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Read about the project and then examine the MATCH State Data file [XLS - 3 MB] [ZIP - 3.4 MB].


Doximity is a private communication network for physicians and other medical professionals. With Doximity you can stay in contact with colleagues, classmates, search for pharmacies and share phone lists.


The Zeo is a device that monitors and analyzes sleep patterns with a headband that the user wears at night. Each morning, users receive a “ZQ” score for that night’s sleep. Sleep is can be visualized with graphs and users can see what keeps them from getting the best sleep possible. Zeo gives you tailed recommendations for better rest so you can be your best.