ElizaLIVE is a multi-modal engagement platform that brings understanding of healthcare data to a whole new level.

ElizaLIVE combines data from proprietary outreach on hundreds of millions of individual interactions about health care, taking in data from automated phone conversations powered by Eliza’s proprietary speech recognition engine as well as email and web click streams.

ElizaLIVE weaves this data with clinical data, third-party, and publically-available data including IOM/HDI data sets to better understand healthcare consumers and create multi-dimensional profiles including socio-demographic, clinical, and behavioral inputs – the stuff that gets to what makes people tick.

ElizaLIVE’s data application quantifies individual engagement levels, predicting how people will behave and how they will respond to attempted interventions that would improve care and lower costs.

It’s not enough to stratify a population by how much they are likely to cost; ElizaLIVE shows whether individual members, both healthy and at risk, are likely to respond to an intervention, while creating meaningful personalized interventions, communications strategies, and programs that increase compliance and lower costs.

Mobile Health Rankings

Mobile Health Rankings combines the GPS on mobile devices and the home inventory database on Zillow.com with county health rankings. While, Zillow’s mobile application allows users to identify real estate properties on the go, Acsys has added the additional information layer of county health rankings.

Each listing is enhanced by revealing six aspects of county health including: mortality, morbidity, clinical care, social and economic factors, physical environment and health behaviors.


Spiroscout Inhaler Tracker

At the center of Asthmapolis is the Spiroscout, a device that uses GPS to determine the time and location when an inhaler is used, and then stores or sends that information to a remote server.

It’s small and lightweight, easy to mount securely on the end of most inhalers, and simple to transfer to a new canister. Lights on the device let you know when it has detected use, and also show remaining battery level.

The Spiroscout lasts 2+ days between charges depending on how often its used, and recharges quickly anywhere with a wall charger or USB power source. You connect it to USB port on PC to download information from device and transfer to the Asthmapolis website.

Asthmapolis mobile diary and website

With the Asthmapolis mobile diary, you can map and track asthma symptoms, triggers, and your use of rescue and controller medications, and other important events from any phone with a web browser. You can choose to receive text message reminders when you forget to use controller medication, and review streamlined versions of your asthma map and charts on the phone.

The Asthmapolis website uses maps, charts and tables to summarize and reveal your patterns of use and trends over time, and to help you identify locations that cause asthma to worsen. You can also add and edit information about your asthma, and explore asthma in your community and around you.

Practice Fusion Medical Research Data

Practice Fusion has teamed up with Microsoft Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket to provide a sample of 5,000 de-identified medical records for research purposes at no cost. These records include details for researching trends in:

  • Patient vitals – including blood pressure, respiratory rate, BMI, temperature and more
  • Diagnoses – with ICD-9 codes, start and stop date
  • Medications – with NDC codes, medication names, strengths, schedule, start and stop date
  • Prescriptions – representing medication prescribing events
  • Immunizations – including vaccine name and date administered
  • Allergies – with type, date, reaction, related medication NDC code and severity

Practice Fusion’s platform provides increasingly complete and significant insight into national health. To learn more please visit www.practicefusion.com/research

Kids Data.org

Kidsdata.org, a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, is your gateway to comprehensive data about the health and well being of children in communities across California. A free, public service, kidsdata.org offers data for every city, county, and school district in California — nearly 1,600 regions — making it easy to monitor trends and pinpoint disparities for communities statewide.

Keas Care Plan Authoring

The Keas REST API provides a way for developers to access, query and set user information on keas. You can query any of the user attributes, and receive the last value or a complete series for attributes. The API provides a way to add to the user medical data using its native XML schema or a CCR. In addition ODLs, messages and medications can also be set using the REST API.

County Health Rankings

An interactive website providing access to 50 state reports with rankings of each county within each state according to its health outcomes and health determinants. The County Health Rankings are a key component of the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH) project. MATCH is a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Read about the project and then examine the MATCH State Data file [XLS - 3 MB] [ZIP - 3.4 MB].

Pain Care

Ringful Health creates a pain journal application to better manage the issue of poor pain management. Many patients receive poor pain management and most pain related issues do not have a one-size-fits all answer.

To personalize pain management, Pain Care takes multiple factors into consideration including: scale of pain, duration, triggers, medicine and pain types. To help users better understand the correlation of these factors and what solutions/therapies could work best, the application creates a health report that can be shared with physicians.

Community Clash

Community Clash Online Card Game

Community Clash is an online card game that engages you in a discovery of your community’s health and well-being status, and lets you see how it compares to other communities in a head-to-head clash. Play endless hands, exploring different metrics and locations each time, and share key victories with your friends.

To begin playing Community Clash, a player selects two locations to compare in a head-to-head contest. Four random cards are dealt per location, each with a data point representing community indicators like obesity, smoking, diabetes and homicides, plus a fifth card with the WBI score, for each location.

A player can exchange up to two of the assigned cards before play begins by reviewing a list of metrics and deciding which ones might improve their odds of winning in the clash. They also have the option of generating their own well-being score to use instead of their location’s WBI score by completing a scientifically validated assessment.

Users can personalize the experience by getting their own well-being score based off of the six dimensions of the Well-Being Index. Users can then use their well-being score in future clashes.

Community Clash also includes a social media component via Twitter. After playing a hand, users can see a visualization of key words related to community health that have been tweeted over the past 30 days . The visualization also includes real-time tweet of the same nature.