Mobile Health Rankings

Mobile Health Rankings combines the GPS on mobile devices and the home inventory database on with county health rankings. While, Zillow’s mobile application allows users to identify real estate properties on the go, Acsys has added the additional information layer of county health rankings.

Each listing is enhanced by revealing six aspects of county health including: mortality, morbidity, clinical care, social and economic factors, physical environment and health behaviors.

Kids, a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, is your gateway to comprehensive data about the health and well being of children in communities across California. A free, public service, offers data for every city, county, and school district in California — nearly 1,600 regions — making it easy to monitor trends and pinpoint disparities for communities statewide.


The Medscape app was developed for health care professionals and has many features of reference for users including: drug reference and interaction checker, disease & condition reference and treatment guide, procedure reference, physician, pharmacy and hospital directories. Other features include daily medial news and offline access to clinical reference.

Lose It!

Lose It! is a web and mobile application that lets you track food and exercise habits, set goals and interact with the Lose It! community to help lose weight and improve your health. Users can enter foods to see their caloric value and build their own recipes to view calorie calculations. Lose It! users can set goals and enlist the help of friends to stay on track.

Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index is the first-ever daily assessment of U.S. residents’ health and well-being. By interviewing at least 1,000 U.S. adults every day, the Well-Being Index provides real-time measurement and insights needed to improve health, increase productivity, and lower healthcare costs. These datasets represent aggregate survey data that are non-identifiable to the respondents and provide useful measures of consumer views over time. Developers, designers and experts can build applications that integrate these measures with other elements of consumer health to gain better insight into health policy implications, new products and services, and many other applications.