
Pillbox was developed to aid in the identification of unknown solid dosage pharmaceuticals. The system combines high-resolution images of tablets and capsules with appearance information (imprint, shape, color, etc.) to enable users to visually search for and identify an unknown solid dosage pharmaceutical.

The system enables users to identify solid dosage forms based on physical criteria: imprint (characters or number printed on a medication), shape, color, size, and scoring. Users are shown thumbnail images of possible matches. These images are continually updated as the user enters additional information.

Once a solid dosage form has been identified, additional information is provided, including brand/generic name, ingredients, and the National Drug File identification number. Links are provided to NLM drug information resources, such as drug labels (DailyMed) and the Drug Information Portal, which searches all NLM drug information resources.

Network of Care for Healthy Communities – Sonoma

A resource for individuals, families and agencies concerned with community health. It provides information about community health services, laws, and related news, as well as communication tools and other features. Regardless of where you begin your search for assistance with community health issues, the Network of Care helps you find what you need. It helps ensure that there is “No Wrong Door” for those who need services.

Pillbox API

Pillbox was developed to aid in the identification of unknown solid dosage pharmaceuticals. The system combines high-resolution images of tablets and capsules with appearance information (imprint, shape, color, etc.) to enable users to visually search for and identify an unknown solid dosage pharmaceutical.

This system is designed for use by emergency physicians, first responders, other health care providers, Poison Control Center staff, and concerned citizens.

The system enables users to identify solid dosage forms based on physical criteria: imprint (characters or number printed on a medication), shape, color, size, and scoring. Users are shown thumbnail images of possible matches. These images are continually updated as the user enters additional information.

Once a solid dosage form has been identified, additional information is provided, including brand/generic name, ingredients, and the National Drug File identification number.

Microsoft HealthVault

Microsoft HealthVault is a health application platform, a set of platform services, and a catalyst for creating an application ecosystem that lets consumers collect, store, and share health information online. The HealthVault platform provides a privacy-enhanced and security-enhanced foundation that can be used to store and transfer information between a variety of providers’ health services and health devices.

Solution providers can use the HealthVault SDK to build applications for the HealthVault platform, and use the HealthVault DDK to build device drivers for HealthVault-compatible devices.