Community Clash

Community Clash Online Card Game

Community Clash is an online card game that engages you in a discovery of your community’s health and well-being status, and lets you see how it compares to other communities in a head-to-head clash. Play endless hands, exploring different metrics and locations each time, and share key victories with your friends.

To begin playing Community Clash, a player selects two locations to compare in a head-to-head contest. Four random cards are dealt per location, each with a data point representing community indicators like obesity, smoking, diabetes and homicides, plus a fifth card with the WBI score, for each location.

A player can exchange up to two of the assigned cards before play begins by reviewing a list of metrics and deciding which ones might improve their odds of winning in the clash. They also have the option of generating their own well-being score to use instead of their location’s WBI score by completing a scientifically validated assessment.

Users can personalize the experience by getting their own well-being score based off of the six dimensions of the Well-Being Index. Users can then use their well-being score in future clashes.

Community Clash also includes a social media component via Twitter. After playing a hand, users can see a visualization of key words related to community health that have been tweeted over the past 30 days . The visualization also includes real-time tweet of the same nature.