Mobile Health Rankings

Mobile Health Rankings combines the GPS on mobile devices and the home inventory database on with county health rankings. While, Zillow’s mobile application allows users to identify real estate properties on the go, Acsys has added the additional information layer of county health rankings.

Each listing is enhanced by revealing six aspects of county health including: mortality, morbidity, clinical care, social and economic factors, physical environment and health behaviors.

Pain Care

Ringful Health creates a pain journal application to better manage the issue of poor pain management. Many patients receive poor pain management and most pain related issues do not have a one-size-fits all answer.

To personalize pain management, Pain Care takes multiple factors into consideration including: scale of pain, duration, triggers, medicine and pain types. To help users better understand the correlation of these factors and what solutions/therapies could work best, the application creates a health report that can be shared with physicians.